Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Configure java-11 for Ltex in VScode Ubuntu 16.04

As a scientist or researcher or a lecturer, writing paper in Latex is a must. To make it easy writing in Latex, I used VScode with Latex Workshop extension. For non native English speaker, there is another extension called ltex (based on "language tool") to check spelling and grammar. This is a perfect combination for writing paper in Latex: VScode+Latex Workshop+Ltex.

However, since I used Ubuntu 16.04 as my OS, there is a difficulty on installing the latest Ltex version (v9.0.0) in Ubuntu 16.04, which required java-11. Here, I documented my steps to tackle the problem.
  1. Download openjdk from this link:
  2. Extract the downloaded file.
  3. Copy extracted file to /usr/local:  sudo cp -r jdk-11.0.10+9/ /usr/local
  4. Set ltex java path to: /usr/local/jdk-11.0.10+9
  5. Finish
The last step, step 4 (before finish), can be shown below.

Now Ltex is ready, as shown below. It checks your spelling and grammar errors aumatically, for free.

Another trick
I used another PC with also 16.04 version, but I don't need to follow these tricky steps with leaving "Ltex Java path" blank.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Pentingnya mengucapkan "Terima Kasih"

Hari ini saya mendapat komplain dari guru bahasa Jepang saya. Seorang teman, ketika membalas email, tidak mengucapkan terima kasih. Padahal guru saya tersebut sudah mau mengajarinya bahasa Jepang, tanpa dibayar. Sensei berkata, impresinya terhadap teman saya ini kurang baik. Beliau bahkan menanyakan apa dia (teman saya tersebut) orang baik. Saya jawab tidak tahu, hanya kenal saja.

Dari sini saya belajar pentingnya mengucapkan terima kasih. Dalam kultur Jepang, ucapan terima kasih ini sangat penting dan sudah membudaya. Bahkan mereka mengatakannya dua kali untuk hal yang sama. Pertama saat ketika selesai ditolong. Kedua saat bertemu lagi, biasanya keesokan harinya atau di lain waktu.

Saya kemudian mengevaluasi diri, apakah saya sudah cukup mengatakan terima kasih. Kadang saya suka terlambat membalas email dari sensei, sampai sensei mengemail lagi apakah telah menerima email sebelumnya. Meski hanya email singkat, seperti "Terima kasih atas emailnya", hal ini sangat berarti. Untuk keharmonisan hubungan guru-murid dan teman kerja, di Jepang ucapan terima kasih merupakan hal yang dijunjung tinggi dan tidak boleh dilupakan.

Pun ketika kita membayar untuk sebuah jasa. Misal ketika naik angkutan umum, saya biasakan (dan memang itu biasa di Jepang) mengucapkan terima kasih (kepada sopir) saat turun dari angkutan tersebut. Terlebih ketika angkutan tersebut gratis. Juga ketika membeli sesuatu di toko, jangan lupa bilang terima kasih pada kasirnya. Kalau saat ditolong seseorang, ucapan terima kasih ini tak boleh lupa, seperti contoh curhatan sensei (guru) saya di atas. Berterima kasih dua kali juga lebih etis ketika kita mendapatkan pertolongan.

Syariatnya, kita berterima kasih kepada manusia. Hakikatnya, kita berterima kasih pada Tuhan, Allah SWT, Tuhan Semesta Alam.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Tricks for obtaining Researcher visa while not yet holding PhD certificate

I think this note is important. That's why I shared it here.

For a graduate student (Ph.D.) in Japan who found a researcher position in a research institute (or company), there is a trick to change the visa smoothly. First, here is a list of necessary documents to change the status of residence:

  • Application form 1 copy
  • Photo (4cm×3cm) 1 copy
    • If the applicant wishes to change his/her current status to a status of residence which does not come under that for a mid to long-term resident (a photo is also not required for persons under the age of 16 years).
    • A photo that shows the applicant pictured alone.
    • The applicant should face squarely to the front and should remove any hats, caps, or head coverings.
    • There should be a plain background with no shadows.
    • The photo must be sharp and clear.
    • The photo must have been taken within three months prior to submission.
  • The supporting documents to be submitted on the occasion of application are shown in Table 3 (As the applicant sometimes needs to submit document material(s) other than stipulated in the Immigration Control Act Enforcement Regulations, please refer to your regional immigration office or immigration information center.)
  • Passport and residence card (or alien registration certificate deemed equivalent to a residence card)
  • A document that proves the status (if a legal representative or agent submits the application form on behalf of the applicant)
In principle, documents and materials which have been submitted will NOT be returned to you. If you have submitted any original copies of documents and materials, which would be difficult for you to re-obtain and would like to have them returned to you, please notify them when you file your application.

In my case, I was asked to submit a degree of certificate (Ph.D.). Because I have not graduated from university yet (planned for the end of March in Japan), hence it is difficult to show the certificate. The certificate of completion expectation didn't work. It will cause trouble if I wait to use the original certificate of my Ph.D. study.

I googled on the previous day before I went to the immigration office to look solution. As listed here, there are three conditions to meet the researcher's visa application.

Luckily, I brought the original certificate of my master's degree and showed it to the immigration officer. They accepted it. That is the trick, use a master's degree certificate instead of a Ph.D. certificate. The Ph.D. (expectation) certificate is necessary for the employer but unnecessary for the immigration office. The master's degree certificate is enough.
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