Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Contoh SoP - Statement of Puspose

Buat yang lagi nyari beasiswa, berikut contoh SoP atau Statement of Purpose. Sop disebut juga Motivation Letter atau Letter of Motivation. Tapi ini contoh SoP gagal, jadi tolong di perbaiki. (written as KAUST scholarsip, wish I get d'scholar)
Statement of Purpose

Since I can read and count, both is my main activity in my life. I like reading most but some problem must be solved by count. First my paper is in senior high school, it’s in Darul ulum, Jombang Indonesia. That’s an Islamic school. And I get an honor from my paper at third year; my paper is about new method in agricultural strategy. In that paper I suggest a method to improve result of agricultural crop by manage the distance of each plant in the field.

Before finished my senior high school, I got an honor again (the first winner) in a paper about role of young people in developing. In that paper I find the relationship between academic achievement and religion activity. The religion activity is influence academic achievement. Progressively we do religion activity (especially in this case Islam) we’ll get more academic achievement because religion enjoins the people to study or achieve the success.
After I graduate from my senior high school I continue to undergraduate university. Because my skill is divergence and multi discipline so I choose Engineering Physics for my major. I entrance the department without test but by selection of academic honors. I think Engineering Physics is suit for me because I like all science and in engineering physics many science was studied and merged each others to create a technology. There are five field major in Engineering Physics: Instrumentation and Control, Acoustic and Physics of Building, Photonics, Energy Conversion and Material. Largely student in Engineering Physics choose instrumentation and control as their field. I like instrumentation since I entrance the department, but I like signal processing then, especially sound processing and also energy conversion (signal processing is under acoustic field). It’s many application of sound processing, my research (still try) is a how to implemented signal processing to detect larynx disease by analyze the patient’s sound. I’ve sent a paper about that in paper competition in my campus.

In Energy conversion field I do a research about renewable energy. First my paper in energy conversion is about biogas. In that paper I design a digester tank from fesses discharge channel in a home so it can utilized to cooking and produce electricity for home scale. I applied my knowledge engineering by design in this case. The purpose is how to convert methane (CH4) to be energy. Now, I’m doing a research about solar water thermal. Solar water thermal is a tool to convert solar energy (light) to hot up the water so the hot water is produced and it can used to our needed. A solar water thermal contain many component to running. A Collector is main component that catch a solar light and process it to hot up the water. Another component is tank, pump and other.

Now, I’m in the third year in Engineering Physics. In the late of this semester I will do job training. My job training about implementation of vibration analysis to detect rotation machinery fault, it’s a predictive maintenance method in industrial maintenance. In engineering physics, vibration is under acoustic laboratory, and it’s also the other implementation of signal processing. Next, my final project still concerning with my research before, it’s about implementation of blind source separation method to analyze rotational machinery fault. In this project I’ll compare the method with using before (instantaneous frequency and cepstrum analysis).

After graduate from Engineering Physics, my plan is continue my study to higher level, graduate student. I hope I can get scholarship so I can continue my research and my study.
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