Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What We've Learned From Linus Trovalds

A very fantastic talk on TEDx, delivered by Linux Foundation Executive Director Jim Zemlin, was shown in youtube. He attributes the success of Linux during his talk to four primary principles:

1. Don't Dream Big

Zemlin quotes poet David Frost in his first point about not dreaming big: "Don't aim for success if that's what you want. Do what you love and believe in and it will follow." This is exactly what Linus Torvalds did when he put his Linux operating system on the Internet in 1991 and said he didn't think it would be much, just something he was doing for fun. 

Lesson 1: Don't dream big

2. Give It All Away

Zemlin also makes an important point about how companies make money from software that is given away. By giving Linux away, Linus Torvalds and the entire Linux community have created more value than anyone could have imagined. Linux today is estimated to be worth more than $10B. IBM and Red Hat continue to see increasing shareholder value, while companies using largely closed development models have seen little return to their shareholders.

Lesson 2: Give it away

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lessons We Learns From Geeks and Free Software Culture

Benjamin Mako Hill defined the lessons that we can learn from geeks and free software culture as follows,
  1. If a system is fundamentally flawed, stop seeking to reform the system — replace with it a better one; redefine the concept of mainstream.

  2. Free software is an alternative to proprietary software because it throws the entire closed software development model out the window. Microsoft and other proprietary software giants have frantically tried to find methods to combat the free software movement. They remain at a loss because they don't know how to combat an “enemy” so unlike themselves. They can't fight GNU/Linux because GNU/Linux refuses to fight altogether. Like many geeks, I was forced onto the fringes of mainstream culture when I was young. As a result, I've realized that the line between outcasts and rebels is subtle and often purely subjective — at times little more than a difference in attitude. I know the flexibility — and power — that living on the edge can provide. Having been forced out of the game early on, I've come to learn that playing the game is not always prerequisite to winning.
  3. Armed with the power of a community, one can overcome the power of individual or corporation.

  4. RMS reminds us that free software operates around the idea that, “creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far as society is free to use the result.” The implications of RMS's statement are clearly not limited to the development of software. He states that an inaccessible idea is a useless one. An idea that is allowed to grow, develop, and transform itself through and in a community will go further than one than that is bridled and restrained. A geek battle-cry says that, “information wants to be free.” While I'm not sure that information wants anything, I believe that for human society to realize its ultimate potential, information needs freedom to mature and transform in the presence of other ideas. In most cases, I don't subscribe to a Romantic conception of creation; I do not believe in divine inspiration. I believe that ideas are born from, through, and in the context of a lifetime of knowledge. Free software's power lies in its treatment of artistic and scientific knowledge as the process, creation, and domain of a community. By working within a community and by thinking, acting, and reacting as a community, I know I can be successful in tackling problems larger, more complex, and more powerful than myself.
  5. Destroy the idea of producer and consumer.

    Another reason behind free software's success is the way that it shatters the traditional roles of the producer and consumer. With a free software program, every user can step into the role of contributer or creator for their digital tools. The power of free software is the power of democracy — bottom up solutions are always better than those that work top-down. When I became frustrated with Microsoft Windows, I helped to create my own alternative.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Robbi Anzilnii Munzalan Mubaarokan

Hari ini saya menelfon Ibunda tercinta, galau dan meminta pertimbangan beliau untuk sebuah keputusan: melanjutkan kuliah atau melanjutkan kerja (lagi). Rencana tinggal di tempat yang sekarang kurang lebih tinggal dua minggu lagi, selanjutnya hijrah ke tempat baru, di dekat ibukota yang juga kota dengan biaya hidup termahal di dunia saat ini. Permasalahannya adalah: akan tetap di tempat kerja baru itu atau kembali ke rencana semula: melanjutkan kuliah.

Ibunda memberikan solusi dengan memperbanyak membaca Quran surat Al-Mukminun ayat 29,
رَبِّ أَنْزِلْنِي مُنْزَلاً مُبَارَكاً وَأَنْتَ خَيْرُ الْمُنْزِلِينَ
Ya Tuhan, mudahkanlah aku untuk tinggal di tempat yang Engkau berkahi dan baik. Berikanlah aku rasa aman di tempat itu, karena hanya Engkaulah satu-satunya yang menempatkan seseorang di tempat yang baik, aman dan damai
Dalam tafsir Jalalain disebutkan, kalau dibaca Munzalan berarti menjadi Mashdar dan Isim Makan/tempat sekaligus, apabila dibaca Manzilan berarti tempat berlabuh (yang diberkati) yakni tempat tersebut diberkati (dan Engkau adalah sebaik-baik yang memberi tempat'") maksudnya Engkau adalah pemberi tempat yang paling baik kepada semua yang telah disebutkan tadi.

Doa di atas adalah doa Nabi Nuh ketika turun dari bahtera. Dan cukuplah Al-Quran menjadi petunjuk bagi kita semua, Amiin.

Project Naming / Penamaan Proyek (file, variable, identifier)

While there are plenty of projects that fail with descriptive names and plenty that succeed without them, I think naming your project is worth giving a bit of thought. Leslie Orchard tackles this issue in an  Advogato article ( His article is short and definitely worth looking over quickly.

The synopsis is that Orchard recommends you pick a name where, after hearing the name, many users or developers will both:
  • Know what the project does.
  • Remember it tomorrow.

Adding Qt version on Qt Creator - Ubuntu

  1. Find the version and location of qmake
    $ qmake -version
    QMake version 2.01a
    Using Qt version 4.8.1 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  2. On Qt Creator, Tools --> Option --> Build & Run --> Qt Versions --> Manual --> Add
  3. Add the location as shown by command qmake -version, for example: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qmake
  4. Do the step No. 2 also in Tools --> Option --> Build & Run --> Kits --> Qt Version
  5. Finish, debug and run your program

Friday, May 24, 2013

Tujuh Karakter Wirausahawan Muslim

Sembilan diantara sepuluh pintu rezeki umat Islam ada dalam perdagangan. Dalam  perdagangan, bisa dikatakan juga sebagai wirausaha, bisnis atau entrepreneur, hendaknya seorang muslim memiliki karakter berikut untuk mencapai kesukesannya.

Muslim Entrepreneurs [2]

  1. Niat
  2. Yang membedakan seorang muslim dengan lainnya ketika bermuammalah adalah niatnya. Niat suci dan ibadah Bagi seorang muslim melakukan bisnis adalah dalam rangka ibadah kepada Allah. Demikian pula hasil yang diperoleh dalam bisnis akan dipergunakan kembali di jalan Allah.
  3. Taqwa dan Tawakal
  4. Ada jaminan dari Allah bahwa : barang siapa yang takwa kepada Allah, maka Allah akan mengadakan baginya jalan keluar, dan Allah memberinya rizki dari arah yang tidak disangka-sangka. Tawakal ialah suatu sifat penyerahan diri kepada Allah secara aktif, tidak cepat menyerah. Berdzikir artinya selalu menyebut Asma Allah dalam hati dengan merendahkan diri dan rasa takut, baik dzikir secara suara pelan atau agak keras. Di dalam Al-Quran dinyatakan : Barang siapa yang takwa kepada Allah, niscaya Allah akan memberi jalan keluar baginya. Dan Allah memberi rizki dari arah atau sumber yang tidak disangka-sangka. (QS. At Thalaq : 2-3).

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ayo Belajar Bahasa Jepang [9]: Ibu Yamada Ada..?

Pada pelajaran ke-9 ini, Kuon memberanikan diri untuk mengangkat telefon yang sedang berdiring di dekatnya. Saat telepon berdering, semua orang nampaknya sibuk. Kuon awalnya bimbang tapi kemudian mengangkat telepon tersebut. Bagaimana pembicaraan di telepon dalam bahasa Jepang..?

Kuon Mengangkat Telepon


Naskah Percakapan

クオンはい。ABC電器です。Halo, disini ABC Electric.
Saya Tanaka dari Japan Gaisha. Apa Ibu Yamada ada?
Ii.. ibu Yamada, ya?
Mohon tunggu sebentar.
File suara percakapan di di atas dapad di download di sini.

Tata Bahasa Jepang

Ketika berbicara dengan seseorang di luar perusahaan Anda, gunakan ungkapan berikut:

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Antara Sabda Pandhita Ratu dan SABDFL

Pertama kali mendengar SABDFL (Self-Appointed Benevolent Dictator for Life), 2-3 tahun yang lalu, saya teringat dengan ungkapan bahasa Jawa: Sabda pandhita ratu. Ya, keduanya diawali dengan 4 huruf yang sama, dan ternyata keduanya memiliki makna yang sama.


Siapakah SABDFL? Dia adalah Mark Shuttleworth, pendiri sekaligus CEO dari Canonical, perusahaan yang memback up Ubuntu (dua kali saya apply job ke Canonical, dan dua-duanya gagal :) ). Sabdfl, self-appointed bebevolent dictator for life, merupakan penunjukan pada diri pribadi Shuttleworth pada dirinya sendiri untuk memimpin, menunjuk dan memutuskan segala yang ada pada Canonical dan Ubuntu. ("Ini perusahaan gue, terserah gue donk", begitu kira-kira katanya). Pada link ini, di sebutkan bahwa di Ubuntu sistem yang berlaku adalah meritokrasi, bukan demokrasi. Hal ini dimaksudkan ini menciptakan sistem kepemimpinan yang tajam, dan fokus terhadap arah pencapaian Canonical dan Ubuntu.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Climbing the Mt. Kinibalu

The following is story from my friend, Shofwan MD, with whom I have climbed Mt. Arjuno in Malang, East Java (the story can be read here). For more convenience, I translated the original story from Indonesian to English paragraph by paragraph. This is the story...

Two weeks before departure
Started from the offer of my girlfriend's Dad, I hurry up prepared the required documents like passport and mountaineering equipments, almost one year untouched. The feel of spirit, reluctant and embittered was mixed as it will my first international climb with the very different community compared to my previous adventure.

February 25th, 2013
After everything was packed, we go to Jakarta from Juanda AP (Surabaya). The airplane, Air Asia, is only available from Jakarta to Kinibalu (KK), Malaysia. It was lucky because the airplane came on time as scheduled. As depart from different place, Batam, Malaysia and Singapore, we choose meet point in Kinibalu. They are Indonesian lived there. For information, this mountaineering trip was organized by Karas Adventure which responsible from all from transport, accommodation, permission, and insurance. Simplified talking, all participant just pay the fee, but we keep the ordinary mountaineering rules, especially physical and mental condition.

Taking photo before starting climbing

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Kenapa Harus Berbuat Baik....?

Catatan khutbah Jumat (2013/5/3) di Taman Pantai Shiroko, Suzuka-shi, Mie-ken.
Dua alasan kenapa kita harus berbuat baik...?
  1. Karena Allah selalu mengawasi kita
  2. Ada dua malaikat yang senantiasa disamping kita, Rakib dan Atid. Rakib bertugas menuliskan amalan baik manusia sedangkan Malaikat Atid tugasnya adalah mencatat amalan jahat manusia. Kedua-dua malaikat rakib atid itu sentiasa mengiringi manusia dimana saja mereka berada dan kemana sana mereka pergi
  3. Karena kebaikan Allah (ikhsanullah)
  4. Allah telah memberi kita nikmat sehat, rezeki, nafas, dll secara gratis. Bahkan Allah akan melipat gandakan kebaikan kita hingga 30 kali lipat. Bukan hanya sedekah yang dikali 10. Tapi bacaan Qur’an juga dikali 10. Setiap hurufnya lagi. Bukan ayat. Rasul bersabda, setiap 1 huruf, 10 kebaikan. Alif Lam Mim, dihitung 3 huruf. 30 kebaikan.
Sholat Jumat di Taman Pantai Shiroko

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Masjid In Japan

Below is a map containing directory of Masjid in Japan, beside the previous post about a map of Halal food restaurant/stores in Japan. Please feel free to contact me if you have information about Masjid In Japan not listed here. Should you have any additional information about some Masjid in the map or you find inappropriate information regarding the Mosque/Masjid, please contact me too.

For map image, directly go to the actual Google map of Masjid in Japan here:

Halal Japan: Maps of Halal Restaurant/Store

The following is map of Halal food restaurant/store in Japan. Please note some of those restaurants/stores are not provide halal foods only, so be careful. If you have information about halal (ハラル) restaurant/stores not listed in the maps, please inform me. Also, if you find inappropriate information listed in the map, please inform me too.

The actual url for that Halal Japan map is here,
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