Thursday, August 29, 2024

Pathological Voice Detection with Nkululeko

I tried to add a recipe to Nkululeko for pathological voice detection using the Saarbrueken Voice Database (SVD, the dataset currently perhaps cannot be downloaded due to a server problem). Using Nkululeko is easy; I just need two working days (with a lot of play and others) to process the data and get the initial result. The evaluation was mainly measured with F1-Score (Macro). The initial result is an F1-score of 71% obtained using open smile ('os') and SVM without any customization.

On the third day, I made some modifications, but I am still using the 'os' feature (so I don't need to extract the feature again, using the same 'exp' directory to boost my experiments). The best F1 score I achieved was 76% (macro). This time, the modifications were: without feature scaling, feature balancing with smote, and using XGB as a classifier. My goal is to obtain an F1 score of 80% before the end of the fiscal year (March 2025).

Here is the configuration (INI) file and a sample of outputs (terminal).

Configuration file:

root = /tmp/results/
name = exp_os
databases = ['train', 'dev', 'test']
train = ./data/svd/svd_a_train.csv
train.type = csv
train.absolute_path = True
train.split_strategy = train
train.audio_path = /data/SaarbrueckenVoiceDatabase/export_16k
dev = ./data/svd/svd_a_dev.csv
dev.type = csv
dev.absolute_path = True
dev.split_strategy = train
dev.audio_path = /data/SaarbrueckenVoiceDatabase/export_16k
test = ./data/svd/svd_a_test.csv
test.type = csv
test.absolute_path = True
test.split_strategy = test
test.audio_path = /data/SaarbrueckenVoiceDatabase/export_16k
target = label
; no_reuse = True
; labels = ['angry', 'calm', 'sad']
; get the number of classes from the target column automatically
; type = ['wav2vec2']
; type = ['hubert-large-ll60k']
; type = []
type = ['os']
; scale = standard
balancing = smote
; no_reuse = True
type = xgb
$ python3 -m nkululeko.nkululeko --config exp_svd/exp_os.ini 
DEBUG: nkululeko: running exp_os from config exp_svd/exp_os.ini, nkululeko version 0.88.12
DEBUG: dataset: loading train
DEBUG: dataset: Loaded database train with 1650 samples: got targets: True, got speakers: False (0), got sexes: False, got age: False
DEBUG: dataset: converting to segmented index, this might take a while...
DEBUG: dataset: loading dev
DEBUG: dataset: Loaded database dev with 192 samples: got targets: True, got speakers: False (0), got sexes: False, got age: False
DEBUG: dataset: converting to segmented index, this might take a while...
DEBUG: dataset: loading test
DEBUG: dataset: Loaded database test with 190 samples: got targets: True, got speakers: False (0), got sexes: False, got age: False
DEBUG: dataset: converting to segmented index, this might take a while...
DEBUG: experiment: target: label
DEBUG: experiment: Labels (from database): ['n', 'p']
DEBUG: experiment: loaded databases train,dev,test
DEBUG: experiment: reusing previously stored /tmp/results/exp_os/./store/testdf.csv and /tmp/results/exp_os/./store/traindf.csv
DEBUG: experiment: value for type is not found, using default: dummy
DEBUG: experiment: Categories test (nd.array): ['n' 'p']
DEBUG: experiment: Categories train (nd.array): ['n' 'p']
DEBUG: nkululeko: train shape : (1842, 3), test shape:(190, 3)
DEBUG: featureset: value for n_jobs is not found, using default: 8
DEBUG: featureset: reusing extracted OS features: /tmp/results/exp_os/./store/train_dev_test_os_train.pkl.
DEBUG: featureset: value for n_jobs is not found, using default: 8
DEBUG: featureset: reusing extracted OS features: /tmp/results/exp_os/./store/train_dev_test_os_test.pkl.
DEBUG: experiment: All features: train shape : (1842, 88), test shape:(190, 88)
DEBUG: experiment: scaler: False
DEBUG: runmanager: value for runs is not found, using default: 1
DEBUG: runmanager: run 0 using model xgb
DEBUG: modelrunner: balancing the training features with: smote
DEBUG: modelrunner: balanced with: smote, new size: 2448 (was 1842)
DEBUG: modelrunner: {'n': 1224, 'p': 1224})
DEBUG: model: value for n_jobs is not found, using default: 8
DEBUG: modelrunner: value for epochs is not found, using default: 1
DEBUG: modelrunner: run: 0 epoch: 0: result: test: 0.771 UAR
DEBUG: modelrunner: plotting confusion matrix to train_dev_test_label_xgb_os_balancing-smote_0_000_cnf
DEBUG: reporter: Saved confusion plot to /tmp/results/exp_os/./images/run_0/train_dev_test_label_xgb_os_balancing-smote_0_000_cnf.png
DEBUG: reporter: Best score at epoch: 0, UAR: .77, (+-.704/.828), ACC: .773
DEBUG: reporter: 
               precision    recall  f1-score   support

           n       0.65      0.76      0.70        67
           p       0.86      0.78      0.82       123

    accuracy                           0.77       190
   macro avg       0.76      0.77      0.76       190
weighted avg       0.79      0.77      0.78       190

DEBUG: reporter: labels: ['n', 'p']
DEBUG: reporter: Saved ROC curve to /tmp/results/exp_os/./results/run_0/train_dev_test_label_xgb_os_balancing-smote_0_roc.png
DEBUG: reporter: auc: 0.771, pauc: 0.560 from epoch: 0
DEBUG: reporter: result per class (F1 score): [0.703, 0.817] from epoch: 0
DEBUG: experiment: Done, used 11.065 seconds

Update 2024/08/30: 

  • Using praat + xgb (no scaling, balancing: smote) achieves higher F1-score, i.e.,  78% (macro) and 79% (weighted)
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