Mie Masjid, Japan |
Mie masjid is the first Masjid in Mie prefecture, Japan, which is established by MICC, Mie Islamic Culture Center. The MICC is a religious and cultural organization established in the start of 21st
century and planned as an Islamic institution comprising a Masjid, a
Kitchen, a House, and residence for its Imams. Its objectives include:
- Serving the neighboring Muslim Community of Mie-Ken in particular,
and the larger Muslim Communities of Japan in general, by answering
their religious needs and providing them with a place of worship, as
well as classes to help them (along with their children) to gain
detailed knowledge about their religion.
- Enlightening Japanese
public opinion with true knowledge about Islam, its teachings, its
ideology, its philosophy, culture and its countries.
- Providing
Muslim Communities in JAPAN with religious guidance, and correct
religious opinions and legal rulings of Islamic Law over religious,
cultural and social critical questions.
- Promoting good understanding
and friendly relations between Muslims and non-Muslims.
From its inception, The Islamic Center was privileged to be
established, maintained, and supervised by the Muslims representing from
different countries. This gave the Center a prestigious position over
other Muslim organizations, as the Center’s representation of religious
attitudes serves to guide the general consensus for the greater Islamic
tone of the global community, through the Center’s enjoyment of support
from these Muslims from different countries.
Mie Masjid is the first MASJID in Mie Prefecture, Japan, which is very close to Mie University.
Address of Mie Masjid
-1426-1 Kurimamachiya cho Tsu-city, Mie-ken, Japan 514-0102
Mie Islamic Culture Center
-〒514-0102 三重 県津市 栗真 町屋町 1426‐1
三重 イスラム 文化 センター
Phone and Fax: (059)-233-0499
Web Site: http://miemasjid.wordpress.com/