Friday, September 25, 2020

Pendakian Pegunungan Tateyama: 6 Puncak dalam 2 Hari

Pegunungan Tateyama mungkin adalah pegunungan di Jepang yang paling banyak didaki dan paling banyak penginapannya (mountain hut) setelah Gunung Fuji. Gunung Tateyama merupakan satu diantara tiga gunung sakral di Jepang (Japan's three holy mountains, 三霊山). Tapi bukan karena kesakralannya saya mendaki gunung tersebut. Kebetulan, letak gunung tersebut tidak jauh dari tempat tinggal saya saat ini. Tateyama merupukan sekumpulan gunung (pegunungan) dengan beberapa puncak. Artikel ini bercerita tentang perjalanan pendakian Pegunungan Tateyama, 6 puncak dalam dua hari. Berikut kisahnya.

Di Puncak Tateyama (Onanjiyama)


Tidak ada persiapan khusus untuk pendakian Gunung Tateyama. Diantara tiga gunung suci di Jepang, mungkin Tateyama adalah yang termudah (dengan puncaknya Gn. Onanjiyama). Saya hanya jalan minimal 5000 langkah per hari, yang sudah menjadi rutinitas saya, naik turun tangga lantai 5 sehari tiga kali, dan naik Gn. Kuragatake seminggu sebelum mendaki Tateyama. Diari pendakian Gn. Kuragatake bisa dilihat disini:


Kesalahan saya tidak membawa perlengkapan yang memadai. Saya menyangka, karena masih musim panas, udara tidak akan begitu dingin. Nyatanya sangat dingin. Di tempat saya, Nomi city, suhu saat berangkat berkisar 28 derajat celcius. Begitu nympai Murodo, sudah sekitar 15 derajat celcius. Saat malam tiba, suhu mencapai lima derajat celcius. Saya terpaksa membeli jaket baru disitu. Ngomong-ngomong, alat-alat berikut saya urutkan dari yang terpenting:
  1. Jaket windbreaker
  2. Sarung tangan hiking (better thinsulate)
  3. Sepatu hiking low-cut
  4. Kaos kaki neoprene 3mm (saya dobel dengan kaos kaki 1mm)
  5. Hiking pole
  6. Calf supporter
  7. Sleeping bag (jika ngecamp)
  8. Tenda yang mumpuni, minimal tahan hujan 5mm
  9. Dll (kompor jika perlu, topi, flashlight, water bottle)

Rencana Perjalanan

Sebelum berangkat, kurang lebih seminggu, saya sudah merencanakan perjalanan saya seperi di bawah ini. Rencana tersebut saya buat berdasarkan sumber-sumber di referensi.
Rencana perjalanan selama 2 hari (3 hari 2 malam)
Jadwal bis Tateyama - Bijoadaira - Murodo


Bus option (departure)
10:30 - 11:28: JAIST - Kanazawa
11:50 - 12:50: Kanazawa - Toyama
13:32 - 13:35: Dentetsu Toyama - Tateyama
13:50 - 13:57: Tateyama - Bijodaira (this schedule not shown in [5] but exist)
14:50 - 15:50: Bijodaira - Murodo 

16:20 - 17:30: Murodo - raichosawa camping ground
17:30 - 18:00: Dhuhur + Ashr prayer + building camp
18:30 - 19:00: Dinner + Free
19:00 - 19:30: Maghrib prayer + snack
20:00 - : Sleep
Memulai perjalanan dari Raichosawa
Raichosawa campsite di belakang

Hari 1

Hari pertama kami berjalan lambat. Dari perkiraan 7-8 jam perjalanan, kami menempuhnya dalam 12 jam. Kebanyak untuk untuk istirahat dan mengambil foto. Berangkat dari Raichosawa camping ground jam 6:25, dan kembali ke Raichosawa jam 17:20. Sholat dhuhur dan ashar kami lakukan di Murodo, di belakang bangunan utama. Wudho bisa di water pond atau di Toilet. Dari keseluruhan rute -- Funinoritate - Onanjiyama - Oyama - Jodo -- rute naik ke Fujinoritate adalah yang paling sulit, butuh 3 jam dari campingground ke puncak pertama tersebut. Untung kami mengambil rute ini. Jika dari arah sebaliknya, mulai dari Jodo, medannya akan lebih terjal lagi. Dan itu kami alami saat turun dari Jodo menuju Murodo. Berikut timeline perjalanan kami bertiga di hari pertama.

05:00: Wake up
05:30: Fajr prayer
05:45: Preparation
06:21 - 09:39: Raichosawa - Mt. Fujinoritate
09:30 - 10:06: Mt.Fujinoritate - Mt. Onanjiyama
10:30 - 11:10: Mt. Onanji-yama, stay at top  for 20 min
11:30 - 14:15: Mt. Tateyama (Onanjiyama) - Mt. Oyama, stay at the top for 15 min
14:31 - 12:00: Mt. Oyama - Mt. Jodo, stay at the top for 30 minutes lunch. 
12:30 - 16:24: Mt. Jodo to Murodo, pray Dhuhr+Ashr at Murodo
17:00 - 18:00: Murodo to Raichosawa camping ground
19:00: dinner, pray Maghrib+Isya, sleep
Peta perjalanan dan gain elevasi hari 1, detail:
Menuju Fujinoritate
View dekat puncak Onanjiyama
Danau Mikuriga
Selepas Murodo

Hari 2

Di hari kedua saya pergi sendiri. Dua teman saya memilih onsen di hari itu karena kecapekan di hari pertama. Berbeda dengan hari pertama, pendakian di hari ke dua ini saya lalui dengan cepat. Hanya perlu waktu 4 jam dari Raichosawa - Tusurugigozenkoya - Bessan - Masagodake - Raichosawa. Saya berangkat jam 6 dan kembali jam 10. Berikut timeline perjalanan saya di hari ke dua.

05:00 - 06:00: Fajr prayer + breakfast + preparation
06:05 - 07:30: Raichosawa - Tsurugigozenkoya
07:40 - 08:10: Tsurugigozenkoya - Mt. Bessan
08:15 - 08:45: Mt. Bessan - Mt. Masagodake
09:00 - 10:05: Mt. Masagodake - Raichosawa
11:40 - 12:40: Raichosawa - Murodo
13:20 - 14:10: Murodo - Bijodaira
14:40 - 14:47: Bijodaira - Tateyama
15:05 - 15:48: Tateyama - Dentetsu Toyama (4 minutes late)
16:00 - 17:00: Toyama (bus platform 2) - Kanazawa station (10 minutes late)
17:17 - 18:38: Kanazawa - JAIST
Peta perjalanan dan gain elevasi hari 2, detail:
Menuju puncak Gn. Bessan
Paling kiri; North Bessan, tengah: Bessan
Dari Gn. Bessan menuju puncak Gn. Masagodake
Sebelum mencapai puncak Gn. Bessan
Di puncak Gn. Masagodake


Pulang selalu menjadi menyenangkan. Apalagi setelah capek. Bertemu anak dan istri adalah penghilang lelah. Dua hari perjalanan terbayar sudah. Bertemu si kecil ternyata lebih indah daripada memandang puncak gunung. Alhamdulillah.

Pengeluaran (berangkat dari Kanazawa, dalam Yen):

- Kanazawa - Toyama: 980 * 2 = 1860
- Toyama - Tateyama = 1230 + 1230 + 210  = 2570 (pulang dengan limited express, + fare ticket)
- Tateyama - Murodo = 4940 (pp)
- Total transportasi = 9370
- Snack/makan 2 hari = ~3000
- Total semua = ~12500


 - Siapkan pakaian hangat (winter)
 - Bawa peralatan anti air



Thursday, September 10, 2020

Hiking Mt. Haku: A Beginner Guide

Although I called myself as beginner/amateur mountain climber, I have several experiences in climbing/hiking some mountains in Indonesia (e.g. [1]),  including the highest peak of Java [2]. In Japan, I ever climbed to the top of Mt. Fuji via the Fujinomiya trail (the hardest and shortest trail) [3]. One of our team in this Hakusan trekking is the first timer mountain climber; hence, this story can be used for a total beginner.


Mt. Hakusan is one of the sacred mountains in Japan (three holy mountains). The others are Mt. Fuji and Mt. Tateyama. But, the reason for this climbing is not because of its holiness; instead, it is very close to my current place of life. I live in Nomi city, Ishikawa prefecture. Hakusan is located in Hakusan city, the neighbor of Nomi city. If you love nature, you will love to live in Ishikawa prefecture. And Hakusan is one of the best natural landscapes in Ishikawa prefecture.


I prepared this trekking in several ways. Three weeks before the trekking day, I hiked Sky Shishiku highland (82 m to 642 m) in Tsurugi with a total of 16 km of journey. Two weeks before the trekking day, I repeat to high Shishiku highland, but not to the peak (about 4 km). One week before the trekking day, I intensively walked about 3000 to 8000 steps every day (measured by a wristband), including my daily routine going up and down from 1 floor to 5th floor. This exercise is enough, I think.


The following gears are ordered from the most important to the less important.
  • Trekking shoes: use hiking shoes with a vibrant and waterproof feature if possible. Vibrant shoes can reduce stiffness on the foot while waterproof shoes keep your foot dry when it rains.
  • lightweight backpack: since there is a cafeteria in Murodo (highest station) and water are available in all stations, bring a lightweight backpack. Fill it with a snack, water, and other important things (raingear, wallet, ticket, etc).
  • Clothing: use a layer hiking t-shirt with long pants in summer. Keep other layers (lightweight jacket/hoodie) in the backpack.
  • Hiking pole: use a single pole for climbing up and down. This pole is important to control and hold you when going down. It prevents your knee for stiffness.
  • Hats: use hats (or cap) to protect you for sunlight and tree branches.
  • To keep in a backpack: rain gear, flashlight, glove, plastic bags, towels, power bank.

The day

We started our journey from JAIST. The time used in this hiking is the most ideal one-day trip. Although the weather prediction changed, from cloudy to rain, in the day, we can keep our schedule on time. Follow our schedule if you stay nearby Mt. Hakusan (about 1-hour drive to ichinose).

We gather in JAIST rotary at 3:20 a.m. At 3:30, we left JAIST by car to Ichinose. From the google map, the trip takes about 70 minutes, and we did it as the map said. We arrived at Ichinose camping ground (and parking area) at 4:30. We pray subuh there once arrived, and buy the bus ticket to the bettou deai center. 

The ticket for a round trip is 1000 yen. The trip is about 15 minutes. We catch the first shuttle bus at 5 a.m. Thus, we arrived at Bettou deai at 5:15. There are a toilet and a water station at Bettou deai. It is better to go to the toilet and fill for the water before starting to climb Mt. Hakusan.

We start to climb Mt. Hakusan at 5:30 when we enter the gate. A beautiful wooded bridge welcomed us before entering the forest. Although it is still dark at that time, the fresh air of nature invites us to enjoy this adventure. Welcome to the jungle!

About one-hour walking (6 a.m.), we arrived at the first station. There are a toilet and water station there. You can take breakfast here, at Nakahanba. Here are my pictures there.

If you plan to take a rest there, don't waste a lot of time. Ten to fifteen minutes is enough to take a rest. If you plan a brief rest, I suggest you do not take a sitting position, but a humped shape position.

Continue walking about 1.5 hours (7.30 a.m.) we arrive at Jinnosuke shelter hut. As the previous station, there are toilets and water stations in addition to a shelter hut. The toilet is clean; hence, I recommend you to make pee here before continuing to Murodo. The first figure in this post, a panorama view, was taken at Jinnosuke shelter hut.

The next walking is the rest journey to the only station before the top, the Murodo station. We need to be checked (due to coronavirus), wear a mask, and show a sticker as a sign that we already take temperature check. The scenery from Jinnosuke to Murodo is the best view during this Hakusan trail. Don't forget to take lot of pictures. Here is one of mine.
Before Murodo, the view is great!
It takes about 1.5 hours from Jinnosuke to Murodo (with two-three breaks). I forget to take a picture when in Murodo, but the following video was taken just before entering Murodo.

In Murodo, we take about 20 minutes of breaks. We did brunch (breakfast + lunch). At about 9:40 a.m, we continue our journey to the top of Mt. Haku. From Murodo to the top of Mt. Haku needs about 40 minutes slow walking (because the trek is a little bit steep). Nevertheless, the view at the top of Mt. Haku is awesome. At 10:20 we reached the top of Mt. Haku!

At the top of Mt. Haku

Murodo from the top of Mt. Haku
That's all the journey of ascending Mt. Haku. Going down from Mt. Haku at that time is longer than expected, a little bit messy. It was rain! So, even the weather forecast says it will sunny or cloudy, prepare your rain gear in advance. Nevertheless, here is our track to hike Mt. Hakusan.

After staying about 20 minutes at the top we back to Murodo, having lunch there and go back down. It takes 5 hours from Murodo to Betto deai in rainy conditions. On the descending way, we take a break in Nakahanba station just to wait for the rain stopped (not really stopped, but better). At 4 p.m, we arrived at Bettou deai center and directly riding the bus to Ichinose. We arrived at Ichinose at 4:15 p.m. Mission accomplished!

Time frame:

Active time: 4h44m
Break time:  4h53m
Total time: 10h37m

Closing: Tips and Tricks

  • There is a cafeteria at Murodo, soba or udon cost about 500 yen, not so expensive.
  • In every station water faucet is available, no need to worry about water. At least three water stations are available before achieving Murodo.
  • No bus from Kanazawa to Ichinose during the pandemic (2020), the only way to achieve Ichinose is by car.
  • Bring lightweight equipment, it only takes 10 hours roundtrip for the beginner in rainy conditions descending.
For more detail trekking data, see my yamap activity page:


Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Naik-turun Tangga: Olahraga Murah Meriah nan Bermanfaat

Artikel singkat ini menerangkan manfaat naik-turun tangga. Sebagai tambahan informasi, kamar (apato) saya ada di lantai 5 sedangkan tempat kerja saya ada di lantai 9. Menghindari penggunaan lift, selain menghemat energi, akan memudahkan saya untuk mencapai target harian 8000 langkah per hari. Setidaknya saya harus pulang ke rumah dua kali, makan siang dan makan malam, sehingga saya harus bolak-balik turun dari lantai 5 ke lantai satu, jalan 500 m, dan naik dari lantai 1 ke lantai 9, setiap harinya.

Ilustrasi naik-turun tangga; sebagaimana uang, naik-turun juga juga bermanfaat [2]
Ilustrasi naik-turun tangga; sebagaimana uang, naik-turun juga juga bermanfaat [2]

Di sebuah artikel berjudul "Heart rate, oxygen uptake, and energy cost of ascending and descending the stairs" dilaporkan bahwa olahraga ringan naik-turun tangga itu bermanfaat dan disarankan. Berdasarkan hasil studi [1], tingkat detak jantung (heart rate), pengambilan oksigen (oxygen uptake), dan energi yang tebakar saat naik dan turun tangga baik untuk aktivitas fisik. Lebih detail hasil penelitian tersebut secara numerik untuk data 30 detik setelah naik 180 anak tangga dari lantai 1 sampai lantai 11 adalah sebagai berikut:
  • oxygen uptake: 33.5 ± 4.8 mL/kg/min
  • bpm (beat per minute): 159 ± 15 bpm
  • kalori terbakar: 19.7 kcal
Data untuk turun tangga (11 lantai, 180 anak tangga):
  • oxygen uptake: 17 ±3.8 mL/kg/m
  • bpm: 107 ± 18 bpm
  • kalori terbakar: 9.0 kcal
Yang menarik bagi saya, ternyata turun tangga pun juga bermanfaat, meski tidak sebermanfaat naik tangga. Dari data tersebut, kata penulisnya, olahraga naik-turun tangga bermanfaat untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh sesuai yang disyaratkan oleh ASCM ( American College of Sports Medicine). Semangat berolahraga!

  1. K. C. Teh and A. R. Aziz, “Heart rate, oxygen uptake, and energy cost of ascending and descending the stairs:,” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 695–699, Apr. 2002, doi: 10.1097/00005768-200204000-00021.

Monday, September 07, 2020

Python check if file/directory exist

This is a documentation for myself. To check if a file or directory already exists, use the following ways.
Check file or directory
import os
Check file only
import os
Create the file if not exist
if not os.path.exists('file'): 
Create a directory if not exist
if not os.path.exists('file'): 
Please note that the last commands will complain (shows error) if the file or directory 'file' exists. To throw complain, it is better to use `os.makedirs` with argument `exist_ok=True`. It also enables creation of subdirectories with their parent (like bash `mkdir -p`).
os.makedirs('parent-dir/sub-dir', exist_ok=True)
The last one is my favourite since it will create folder if not exist and don't throw error if it is exist.
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