Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Choosing Journals and Conferences for Publication: Google Top 20 (and h5-index > 30)

If you want to publish your academic paper in a conference or journal, you may be confused about to which conference or journal you should submit your papers to. This short article may help you. To be categorized as a "reputable journal", my institution required two indicators below.

  1. It appears in Google Top 20 (all categories, categories, and sub-categories)
  2. It has Google H5-index > 30
For the first reason, it makes sense. The top twenty are the top 20 journals and conferences (mixed) which have the highest h5-index. I don't know the reason for the second reason why my institution chooses 30 as the limit of h5-index for "more incentive". It still makes sense since the higher h5-index means the higher impact.

From those two indicators, I choose the first as the main criteria for selecting publication. Here are five top 20 journals and conferences from all categories, categories, and two sub-categories in my field.

Google Top-20 (all categories)

For choosing categories, click "VIEW ALL" > Metrics > VIEW ALL.

Google Top 20 Category Engineering and Computer Sciences

Google Top 20 Category Life Sciences and Earth Sciences

Google Top 20 Sub-category: Signal Processing

Google Top 20 Sub-category: Acoustic and Audio

This guide for selecting criteria is not mandatory in my constitution. But they will give more bonus to the researchers if their publications are ranked by one or both criteria above (more bonus for both, maybe).

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