Friday, January 27, 2012

Hujan itu Rahmat

  1. Buka link berikut,, atau buka video dibawah ini,
  2. Kemudian buka link berikut,, bila tidak "hujan" klik gambar speaker di bawah agar "hujan" di layar laptop / PC anda. 
  3. Feel the effect, nikmati sensasinya... :) 

 Rain makes everything better (

"Dialah yang meniupkan angin (sebagai) pembawa kabar gembira dekat sebelum kedatangan rahmat-nya (berupa hujan); dan Kami turunkan dari langit air yang amat bersih, (Al-Furqaan: 48)"

p.s: jadi jangan pernah menghujat hujan lagi, karena sama halnya anda dengan menghujat yang menciptakan hujan itu sendiri. Selamat mencoba!!

-adopted from youtube

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Active Thermography and its Application

Thermography or thermal imaging is a type of infrared imaging. Thermal imaging camera sensors detect heat in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum (roughly 900–14,000 nanometers or 0.9–14 µm) and produce color or black and white images from heat signatures. It is widely used in manufacture and industry to do preventive maintenance for the machinery. One of the strengths of the technology is that it is non-contact, meaning inspection can take place even on live systems where there may normally be dangerous temperatures, electrical currents or high speed moving parts. So from a safety point of view it has some real benefits.

Thermography enables systems to be inspected under real operating conditions. So mission critical or high value processes such as manufacturing can continue during the thermal inspection. In high value processes the cost of maintenance can be greatly reduced by predicting when repairs or routine maintenance are needed. This enables maintenance to be planned, which in turn can minimize costly down time. Mechanical wear and tear cannot always be detected until there is a catastrophic failure. For example, if a worn bearing is put under load it gets hot, which can be detected with a thermal imaging camera.

Those two benefits: cost reduction and ease of maintenance make it powerfull tool for preventive maintenance. The following two pictures are example of thermal imaging for detection of mechanical condition and water leak detection in pipe. The high temperature shows the condition of captured device, if it is higher than boundary condition, it can be categorized as abnormal or defect area.

Example of themal imaging [1,2]

Active themography

PhotoAcoustic Imaging and its Application

Photoacoustic imaging is a method combines the advantages of optical imaging (high contrast) and ultrasonic imaging (high spatial resolution). This results in various new applications in the field of biology, medicine, industry and material science.

To generate photoacoustic signals short laser pulses (in the range of nanoseconds) are used. The electromagnetic energy (laser) is absorbed in the sample. Due to the thermoelastic expansion in the region of absorption – the so called photoacoustic effect – a broadband ultrasonic signal is launched. The photoacoustic signal is recorded at different positions at the surface of the sample by a special transducer. Taking such a set of data it is possible to calculate either slices of the objects or the whole volume using reconstruction algorithms such as Time Reversal, Back Projection, or other methods. In Fig. 1 a scheme of the principle of photoacoustic tomography can be seen. 

Fig 1. PhotoAcoustic Effect

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Agama Orang Jepang: Agama Main-main

source: Heriyanto Nurcahyo (
Di Starbucks coffe shop itulah kami janji bertemu. Inilah kali pertama bagiku “ngopi” di jaringan kedai kopi terkenal dunia itu.Letaknya di Sotenggai pusat perbelanjaan termasyur di Kumamoto-Shi.Tempat ini terkenal dengan nama Shimatori dan Kamitori. Pusat perbelanjaan terbesar yang memanjang dengan jalan utama ditengah-tengahnya. Ribuan orang tiap hari hilir mudik di Archade ini. Ratusan outlet dan butik tersebar bak bulir-bulir salju yang terjatuh dari langit.Kemeriahannya semakin menjadi hidup tatkala mata kita memandang ribuan orang silih berganti keluar masuk pusat perbelanjaan dengan dandanan yang sangat stylish dan modis sekali. Namun yang hendak saya ceritakan bukanlah tentang para shopaholic itu,atau orang-orang yang sekedar windows shopping,bukan itu tapi tentang seseorang yang aku temui di Starbucks.

Sonoda Mariko namanya. Saya memanggilnya Mariko san. Seorang perempuan paruh bayah. Dia menemuiku setelah sebelumnya menghubungiku untuk sekedar memberitahukan bahwa dia kini telah menjadi Host Family ku selama di Jepang.Mulailah dia bercerita tentang kehidupannya. Ia yang dulunya direktur perusahaan makanan terpaksa mengundurkan diri dan kosentrasi sepenuhnya pada keluarga. Setelah saya Tanya alasan dibalik keputusannya itu,ia mengatakan bahwa kerja di Jepang sangat memeras otak dan tenaga,bahkan tidak ada waktu luang untuk keluarga. Dia juga menceritakan bagaimana kakaknya yang sekarang memimpin perusahaan itu tidak punya begitu banyak waktu bahkan untuk sekedar istirahat diliburan musim dingin ini. Saya kemudian menjadi sangat mahfum atas penjelasan dan alasan dibalik mundurnya dia dari jabatan itu.Meski heran juga atas keputusannya,mengingat hampr semua warga Jepang workaholic,saya bisa memakluminya alas an dibalik keputusannya.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Image Compression in GNU Octave and Matlab

Suppose you have an image file namely "image.jpg". Due to the file size, you want to compress it to smaller size. In GNU Octave and Matlab, the following simple commands can be used,

Those commands will compress "image.jpg" to "image_new.jpg" with the quality of compressed image is 50% of the original image.Please note, the current supported image format. when I wrote this article, is .jpg only.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Al-Quran on Embryology

Dr. Moore was a former President of the Canadian Association of Anatomists, and of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists. He was honoured by the Canadian Association of Anatomists with the prestigious J.C.B. Grant Award and in 1994 he received the Honoured Member Award of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists "for outstanding contributions to the field of clinical anatomy."
"For the past three years, I have worked with the Embryology Committee of KingcAbdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, helping them to interpret the many statements in the Qur'an and Sunnah referring to human reproduction and prenatal development. At first I was astonished by the accuracy of the statements that were recorded in the 7th century AD, before the science of embryology was established. Although I was aware of the glorious history of Muslim scientists in the 10th century AD, and some of their contributions to Medicine, I knew nothing about the religious facts and beliefs contained in the Qur'an and Sunnah."
At a conference in Cairo he presented a research paper and stated:

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Bulk Rename Files in Ubuntu / Linux

If you have a lot of files to be renamed, it will waste your time to rename files manually (for example, change file names from camera). If you want to change the capital or uppercase files name to lowercase, you can do the following command in your terminal in the current directory,
ls | while read upName; do loName=`echo "${upName}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`; mv "$upName" "$loName"; done
But, if you want to change file names, find and replace, or others, you can do the following command:

for filename in */*240p*; 
do echo mv \"$filename\" \"${filename//240p/}\"; 

In that case, the command will remove "240p" in the directory and in its lower folder. For example, the file with the name like week2-360p.mp4 will be renamed to be week2.mp4

Another way is to do bulk rename is by installing thunar (GUI-based),
sudo apt-get install thunar

And then use the bulk rename program from thunar as shown in the following screenshot. You can insert date / time, insert / overwrite, search and replace, numbering and also uppercase / lower case. Let's try!
Thunar bulk rename in Ubuntu / Linux


Thursday, January 05, 2012

A Harmonizing Proposal For Islamic Science

Dari 2000-an universitas di berbagai negara Muslim hanya sedikit yang masuk dalam top 500 universities in the world. Itupun cuma nangkring di peringkat 400-500. Jumlah publikasi ilmiah yang berasal dari dunia Muslim hanya 1,1% dari total publikasi ilmiah yang dihasilkan para ilmuan dari seluruh dunia. Pada tahun 1999, hanya 134 paten yang terdaftar di seluruh negara-negara Muslim. Sangat jauh dibandingkan dengan 3.076 paten yang teregistrasi di Israel. Semakin lengkap dengan rendahnya frekuensi kutipan atas artikel-artikel ilmiah (per satu juta orang) yang cuma 0,02 di Mesir, 0,07 di Arab Saudi, 0,01 di Aljazair, dan 0,53 di Kuwait. Sementara Israel mampu meraih angka 38, Amerika Serikat menembus 43, dan Swiss melejit dengan capaian 80. 

Fakta di atas disampaikan oleh Prof. Nidhal Guessoum, seorang astrofisika muslim lulusan University of California San Diego USA dalam “The First International Conference on Knowledge and Values” yang diselenggarakan oleh CRCS UGM, ICRS bersama Panitia Dies Natalis UGM ke 62 di Auditorium Gedung Lengkung Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM pada hari Jum’at 16 Desember 2011. 

Bagi Prof. Nidhal, kondisi ini sungguh ironis jika kita sandingkan dengan seruan-seruan teologis Islam yang begitu bersemangat mengajak umatnya untuk menuntut ilmu, seperti: “Tinta seorang sarjana lebih suci daripada darah syuhada”, “Tuhan menaruh (di luar sana) obat untuk setiap penyakit yang Ia ciptakan”, “Kontemplasi satu jam (atau studi) tentang alam lebih baik daripada beribadah selama setahun, ”Carilah pengetahuan hingga ke negeri China!”. Semakin menyedihkan apabila kita memutar bandul sejarah ke belakang. “Al Biruni telah mengadopsi induksi sebagai pendekatan yang valid untuk sains 2-3 abad sebelum dipopulerkan oleh Francis Bacon. Isaac Newton yang digadang-gadang sebagai bapak optik modern pun berdiri di atas pundak seorang jenius yang hidup 7 abad sebelumnya, Al-Hassan Ibn al-Haytham,” ungkap professor of Physics di American University of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) ini. Belum lagi jika kita menyebut Al-Khwarizmi, Al-Battani, Ibn Sina, Al-Tusi, Ibn al-Shatir, Ibn Sahl, Omar Khayyam, Ibn al-Nafis, Ibn Yunus, Al-Zahrawi, Ibn al-Baytar, Ibn al-Banna, Al-Qushji, dan Al-Khafri. 
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