Thursday, June 13, 2013

How-to: Composing Feedback (Peer-Review)

Three steps when we are composing written feedback (peer-review) for authors:

  1. Describe
  2. In your own words, describe the part of the writing that you are responding to. This description is helpful to writers because it allows them to understand how you are reading their writing.
  3. Assess
  4. After you describe the part of the writing you are responding to, assess by pointing out both strengths and weaknesses. This is helpful to writers because it points out where their writing succeeds and where it falls short of succeeding. 
  5. Suggest
  6. After you describe and assess the part of the writing you are responding to, suggest how the writer might make changes if he or she were to revise or how the writer might think differently about writing in future assignments. In this class, writers might choose to revise simply because they want to improve their writing. Also, writers might take advantage of “Level Up” assignments, optional opportunities for them to publish their writing for a public audience, and your suggestions will help them pro- duce their best writing for a wider readership.

Copy-paste from :
- Scott Lloyd DeWitt & Michelle Cohen, The WEx Training Guide.

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